Friday, 22 July 2011


Only three weeks until we move house. We are packing our books first as they take up the most space. We haven't finished the cataloguing yet (nearly) and so far we have 1,200 books! We haev some duplicates but not too many and mostly classics. Doing the cataloguing has also highlighted some old friends (Dave Eggers anyone) and has reignited my love for some forgotten authors. I am very much looking forward to moving our booky friends (ie books) in their new home and reading them all again!

AC x

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

And we're back...

It's been a busy old time for us - I, Allotment Cat, am now married to him, Madrigal Boy, and as such we have been super busy well getting married. We are now in the middle of moving house and as such I suggested we make a note of all our books as we packed them and then we would actually know what we had. Madrigal Boy set to work writing a catalogue system for us (as a computer scientist he has never been happier) and he even bought a scanner. Now we are packing books into boxes and scanning them as we go. The catalogue is broken into two collections and his (that's right, we don't share) so we can actually see what we have and stop buying duplicates of things! So far I am up to about 300 books while MB is up to about 100 (but only because we started on my shelves first). I think we will hit abou 700 books before we are finished. How many books does it take to make a Library I wonder?

And now to start reading them!
I will be back soon!
Love TAC